I used to sit at the governing body table for all my meals while I was in Bethel. As I remember, most of the wives were very nice (think circuit overseer's wives) but there was an "air" about a few of them (one in particular) that let you know that you were beneath their radar. I won't mention any names but her initials were/are Marina Sydlik.
In terms of being superior/privileged, the ones who seemed the worst back then were the wife's of the Overseers in the factory or "Bethel Elders". In the basement there was a single washer and dryer for us to use because the Bethel laundry used to shrink/ruin our clothes. I used to take my nicer stuff down there and do a load once in awhile. I put my soap and clothes in the washer and walked over to the Commissary which was a few steps away, to get a snack to eat while I waited for my laundry. When I got back a few minutes later, one of the Elder's wife's had taken my sopping wet soapy clothes out of the machine and tossed them and my laundry bag, into the slop sink. She stood there with a sour look on her face as if there was no way in Hell Hades, she was going to wait around for a lowly "Bethel Boy" to do his laundry. I didn't say anything because I thought there might be some rule about not leaving the machines unattended, so I left and came back later just as she was pulling her wet stuff out of the washer and putting them into the dryer. She turned the dryer on and left ( apparently it WAS ok to leave...or maybe it was ok for HER to leave).
I resumed washing my stuff and waited there for the cycle to finish. When they were done, she hadn't returned so I took her still damp stuff out of the dryer and put it into her laundry basket and set it on the floor and put mine in the dryer. I wanted to see her face when she returned and discovered what I had done but unfortunately/fortuantely mine dried and I was outta' there before she returned but I was ready to go toe to toe with her.
I'd have gladly given up the machine and waited if she'd have asked. I couldn't believe that something this petty was happening at Bethel....they never mentioned this kind of stuff in the brochure ! This was one of many things that happened there (including having my room robbed) that told me something was very wrong with this organization and Jehovah wasn't watching.
To answer the original question, I think they'd more likely tweak the scriptures or come up with "new light" to justify their lifestyle, than they'd be to give up their luxuries. Right now, I'm sure they feel that their looking and having the best, reflects well on the organization and brings glory to or vindicates Jehovah's name.